Category: Giant Junk
The default category
Back Seat Bonus
I got two D-Handles and a BRT
Where it’s at!
It Comes From Space!
The Space Needle
Seal of Approval
A mighty sta(la)g
A real spitter
There’s no taming this one.
Discoverer of Pluto, Clyde Tombaugh
Harvard Bokko classing up the Olympics.
UT Tower
An Orlan named Desire
Soyuz wanna go to space?
Impressive growth
Watch out, girl!
Ready to couple
A training mockup of a flexhose rotary coupler.
Generating Power
An old dam generator turbine.
Shuttle stack
The last Space Shuttle External Tank, attached to Atlantis for STS-135.
Ready to grapple
The Japanese robotic arm end effector.
An interesting base
Near a mall in Tsukuba, Japan.
The Incredible Hulk
A ride at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.
A handful
My buddy, Dale, at a marina.
Poseidon would be proud.
Tokyo Tower
Lit up for all to see!
Some strange statue in Tokyo.
Rocket powered
I’m excited to be here!
A random bridge in Tsukuba, Japan.
Serious firepower
The Beginning
My first giant junk picture.